Building end to end accessibility at the BBC

At Accessibility Scotland 2018 Paul Bepey described how the BBC have built an inclusive accessibility model across its backstage systems. This includes building accessibility in Procurement, Recruitment through to building inclusive design and BBC staff work producing content.
Paul talked about the journey the BBC has taken to get here and things they have learned along the way.

Why Inclusive Design is like cooking curry

At Accessibility Scotland 2017 Heydon Pickering talked about how cooking a good curry is superficially complex, and quite time consuming.
There are a lot of ingredients and steps to remember. But once you’ve learned a few core principles, you start turning out a lot less flavorless gloop.

Accessibility and possibility

At Accessibility Scotland 2017, Graham Pullin discussed how accessibility is often, is usually, framed in terms of removing barriers and solving problems. And in the light of so much exclusion, this is of course a valid and important perspective. Yet there are other frames of mind in which to engage with inclusion, more open-ended, more open-minded. Graham introduces examples of exploratory projects such as Social Sewing and the Inclusive Fashion and Design Collective, that open up new possibilities for access, to services and to each other.

Design for everyone

At Accessibility Scotland 2017, Susan Fulton talked about the ethos of designing inclusively within our built environment and elaborating upon the reasons why inclusive schemes should be provided. She also highlighted some of the barriers facing both the designers and society.
Susan provided some great examples of how designers can achieve an inclusive design.